Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Bearded Dragons

black soldier fly larvae for bearded dragons

Are Black Soldier Fly Larvae Good for Bearded Dragon?

Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) are an excellent food source for bearded dragons. They are rich in protein and calcium, which prevent metabolic bone disease.

However, be cautious of their high fat content, which can lead to obesity in adult bearded dragons. Young or juvenile bearded dragons can safely consume BSFL due to their high metabolism.

If you notice obesity signs in an adult dragon, reduce the BSFL intake.

How Many Black Soldier Fly Larvae to Feed Bearded Dragon?

To feed black soldier fly larvae to your bearded dragon, follow this simple principle: offer your bearded dragon as many black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) as they can consume in 30 minutes. Then, remove any uneaten BSFL after the feeding session.

Understanding the broader dietary needs of a bearded dragon is crucial to ensuring they receive all necessary nutrients.

For a comprehensive and easy-to-understand summary, refer to Reptile Guide's chart below:

bearded dragon feeding chart by age
To promote a diverse diet for your bearded dragon and prevent them from fixating on one favorite food, finely chop and mix their vegetables.
Avoid feeding your bearded dragon anything wider than the space between its eyes. Anything wider can lead to impaction and spinal stress, potentially resulting in health and mobility issues.

Dried or Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae for bearded dragon?

Feeding live black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) to your bearded dragon is significantly better than using dried BSFL.

Live BSFL offers higher nutritional value and contributes to better hydration.


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