Magma Oil

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Oil
  • High levels of essential fatty acids and lauric acid promote animals' digestive health.

  • The natural antibiotic properties enhance animals' immunity against bacteria and diseases.

  • Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 contribute to maintaining a healthy heart and joints.

  • It contains natural attractants that significantly increase appetite and palatability.

  • Hypoallergenic: posing minimal to no risk of allergies.

Product Description

Magma Oil is Black Soldier Fly (BSF) oil, 100% naturally extracted from BSF larvae fat. With its high lauric acid content, it can serve as an excellent alternative source of fat for animal feed.

BSF oil is mechanically extracted without any chemical addition.

Application of BSF Oil

BSF oil can be used as a raw material, mixed with other ingredients to produce a complete feed with balanced nutrition.

The recommended dosage as a supplement is 2% per Kg of the animal feed.

Shipping and Handling

Magma Oil is available in 1 L and 25 L packages, other packaging options are available upon request. Ready for global shipment.

Store at room temperature, in a closed container, and away from direct sunlight.

Suitable for

Farmed aquatic species, ornamental fish, chickens, ducks, and livestock.

Nutrition Facts

Total Fat...............................…..….99.8%

Saturated Fat...........................……..70%

Monounsaturated Fat.................…...17%

Polyunsaturated Fat..................….12.5%


Lauric Acid...............................…..39.0%




Myristic Acid..........................……...8.3%

Palmitic Acid.........................…….....17.9%

Pamitoleic Acid..........................…..…2.1%

Stearic Acid............................…..……2.8%

Oleic Acid.................................…….14.7%

Linoleic Acid.............................……..10.8%

Linolenic Acid.............................……..1.3%

Arachidic Acid...........................……...0.2%

Eicosenoic Acid.........................……...0.2%

Eicosadienoic Acid..................……...0.03%

Capric Acid..............................…..…..1.2%


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